Let’s talk about mental health for a minute. And motherhood. And psychedelics.
Recently, a group of moms originating out of Colorado came into the spotlight for their nontraditional approach to managing their mental health. The group is called "Moms on Mushrooms," and- you...
For many moms struggling with chronic or high anxiety symptoms or grappling with emotional trauma, navigating life can be challenging. With the stresses, pressure, and chaos of daily life that comes from running a household and raising humans, it's crucial to prioritize emotional and mental...
Trauma is a deeply ingrained, multi-layered wound that can be difficult to heal. Survivors of complex or developmental trauma often struggle with symptoms like anxiety, depression, dissociation, and emotional flashbacks. These symptoms can persist even after years of therapy and personal growth...
Trauma can come in many forms and have a lasting impact on an individual's life, whether the details of the trauma are explicitly remembered or not. Complex Trauma refers to repeated or prolonged exposure to traumatic events such as emotional, physical, and sexual abuse, and/or abandonment during...